We incorporate resources and partnerships to assist you in acquiring literacy and marketable skills, thus increasing your capacity to obtain gainful employment or to start a successful business. The program encourages post-secondary education in vocational and occupationally oriented areas as well as providing assistance in applying for and acquiring federal financial aid to pursue traditional college courses for increased educational attainment. The program also offers classes and workshops that are fundamental in increasing the development of cognitive-behavioral thinking and empowerment.

We believe everyone has a chance for change if provided with the Right Tools for change. We also believe employment is vital for helping formerly incarcerated individuals walk a new positive path. We offer a range of basic job readiness skills and occupational training programs to help you find and retain jobs. Our comprehensive curriculum focuses on areas such as time management, problem-solving, team-work, and specific professional skills. Our programs are designed to focus on your strengths, identify your areas of weakness and turn them into strengths, and prepare you for employment.

Every client is given the opportunity to incorporate health education and awareness training as part of their re-entry goals. A Better Day provides clients identifies resources such as low-income insurance plans, locally affordable health clinics, and pharmacies. We also identified key partners to address mental health issues as well as provide one-on-one counseling or group therapy sessions.

At A Better Day, we offer support and stability for individuals and families seeking a place to call home. We have established partnerships with local shelters, transitional housing programs, property owners, and the local housing authorities to assist our participants with independent living in a safe community.