Your Transportation Donation is 100% tax-deductible...

Since we have started with our monthly Child Advocacy meetings we have come across instances in which parents want to send their children to our program to attend the meetings,that will help them better cope with the absence of their parent that’s incarcerated; unfortunately their is the obstacle of having no transportation. The custodial parent is unable to get them to the meetings & activities because of the lack of transportation. Lack of access to transportation can limit a person’s ability to go to school, hold a job, and take part in the community. Due to our current limited funds for our program, we cannot purchase a van to transport children to and from the program and community activities, and also to bonding visits with their incarcerated parent. Without reliable transportation, we are unable to serve children who could benefit from the visit to spend time and create a bond with their parent that they might not have seen in years! When you are around other people that share the same experience as you, you can learn how to lean on your own strength to Grow & Heal. We are Growing in Grace together. We aim to reach as many children in Central Virginia as possible! Funds are needed to purchase a van to transport children to our Activities, Federal & State Institutions,and Support groups where they can start the healing process. We are in the middle of interviews for After school programs in the Richmond Public schools. The question that comes up in the interviews is Transportation. We need a van for so much more to better assist the kids an there caregivers. A van will help us to transport the kids home safely, Build Better Relationships,healthy environment, finish school an continue their education, enjoy he/she place of employment and give back to their communities. Please Help Us raise enough funds to be able to purchase a good running van for our Future Leaders.
Make a 100% tax-deductible donation today to give the world’s most vulnerable children a chance at A Better Day they desperately need, and to help empower them through education. To support us and our efforts, Donate Today So that we can continue to assist families of inmates.... Call 804-683-7738 or email our Founder Ms.Gordon at Email LeTeisha for more information...
Make a donation TODAY! Assisting Children of Inmates A Better Start for our Youth is a Brighter Future for us...