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Build-A-Dad Workshop 5 Week Curriculum.

The Build-A-Dad workshop was AMAZING! We all shared similar stories accept Mr. Turner. Mr. Turner grew up with the Dad we all dream of. 

The Workshop was Very Emotional at the same time you seen the healing starting to take place. 

When God is involved he will lead you to the right people with similar backgrounds.

Mr. Philip White did an Amazing Job hosting the BADW with his Expertise in Fatherhood Initiatives. Mr. White added the Knowledge we all needed to understand our Past. We all started Growing in Grace together!

In attendance was our very own special Police Chief Alfred Durham, Ebony Whitted from the Statewide Parenting Program for Department of Corrections, Probation Officers from different districts, and Mr. Paul Taylor from RVA League for Safer Streets and Fathers that want to learn ways to Communicate with there children. 

Ms. Girlee’s Restaurant provided an amazing meal for us that was outstanding!! Every time I think back on this day it gives me the strength I need to continue this Journey.

The next workshop starts May 17,2018 on Thursday’s from 4:30pm until 6pm. BADW is a 5 week curriculum that will last until June 14,2018. 

BADW helps the Father To identify Non-Verbal & Verbal Communication.This Workshop also assist Fathers with establishing a supportive and healthy recovery environment after a lengthy separation by encouraging them to be authentic, communicate productively, and establish boundaries. The Purpose for Build-A-Dad workshop is to encourage a Healthy Relationship with the child and their Ex-Offender or Offender Parent during & after incarceration. After completing this Workshop participants will be able too: • Build relationships with their Children (Child) while being mindful of their talents and strengths. • Communicate more effectively with their child. • Work effectively by partnering with their children with complementary themes of talent. **Participants can register for this event here SPONSORS ARE NEEDED... I look forward to seeing this Mission complete. If we Strengthen our Families, We Strengthens Our Community. 

My Mission is to Restore Broken Families.  

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